Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS)

In Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS) at Kinross Primary School, we employ inquiry-based learning. This is an education approach that focuses on investigation and problem-solving to develop students’ abilities to ask questions, design investigations, interpret evidence, form explanations and arguments, and communicate findings.

HaSS content knowledge is derived from an initial inquiry question which ignites students’ interest to explore a range of text types, as well as online platforms, and conduct research. Cross-curricular links are firmly embedded, with HaSS content driving topic selection in Literacy lessons across the school. Research skills are taught and applied during these lessons and graphic organisers are explored. A two-year cycle of integrated Literacy and HaSS content ensures students in split year-level classes are exposed to new learning material each year.

In an ever-changing world, it is important that we prepare our students with the following:

  • a deep knowledge and sense of wonder, curiosity and respect for places, people, cultures, events, ideas and environments throughout the world,
  • a lifelong sense of belonging and developed sense of responsibility. Ethical and active participants in society at a local, national and global scale,
  • a knowledge, understanding and an appreciation of the past and the forces that shape our society,
  • the ability to think critically and solve problems using inquiry skills,
  • enterprising behaviours and capabilities that enable them to be active participants and decision-makers,
  • an understanding of, and commitment to, the concepts of sustainability to bring about equity and social justice,
  • a knowledge and understanding of the connections among the peoples of Asia, Australia and the rest of the world.

Where possible, Kinross Primary School provides students with both incursions and excursions to enhance student understanding and engagement.


Adopt a Coastline Program

In 2022, Year 4 students were accepted into the City of Joondalup’s Adopt a Coastline environmental program. As well as covering the curriculum areas of Geography and Science, this program also allowed students to demonstrate active citizenship through their work on this valuable community project. Students worked with Natural Areas Officers to learn about biodiversity of coastal environments and develop their understanding of the relationship between people and the environment through presentations from environmental experts and indigenous educators. They weeded and planted local provenance species in the sand dunes on Iluka foreshore in an effort to rehabilitate their local area.





State Library of Western Australia

For the last two years, Year 6 students have taken part in Suitcases: Stories of Migration at the State Library. They explored the stories of different groups of migrants to Western Australia using a range of primary source materials from the State Library’s collections. Students interpreted resources and drew conclusions to retell a particular migration story.

Northbridge Walking Trail explores the city of Perth’s migrant heritage. Students used their mapping skills to explore Northbridge and learn about the relevance of many significant places in our city.




Parliament House

Year 5 students have visited Parliament House, the Electoral Education Office and the Constitutional Centre to learn about the key features of democracy, the electoral process and how and why laws are enforced.



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