At Kinross Primary School, we believe it is crucial that we prepare our students, staff and community members for the rapidly-developing world in which we now live. As a result of this, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a priority and underpins a lot of what we do.
West Australian Curriculum
At Kinross PS, we facilitate the development of our student’s ICT ability to create, communicate, manage and investigate with ICT whilst applying social and ethical protocols and practices by following the ICT General Capabilities from the Western Australian Curriculum. Through a comprehensive scope and sequence, teachers ensure they plan meaningful learning programs that allow our students to develop the skills to flourish in our rapidly-developing technological world.
Ina world that is rapidly changing and becoming more technologically advanced, it is crucial that our students are equipped with the knowledge, understanding and skills to cope with this. In addition to the ICT General Capabilities, our students develop their skills and understanding of digital systems, representation and analysis of data and information and digital implementation through collaboratively planned Digital Technology lessons.
To allow our students to communicate and navigate the digital world safely and effectively, we place a lot of emphasis on cyber safety at Kinross PS. With regular lessons catered at explicitly teaching the necessary skills to keep safe and responsible online and incursions for our students from expert speakers, our students are quipped to keep safe in the online world. We also acknowledge the importance of keeping our community and parents informed on the importance of cyber safety, and as a result we regularly share information in the school newsletter and hold annual parent workshops with expert speakers to prepare our parents and carers for the many challenges facing the, and our children in this digital age.
In addition to teaching our students the General Capabilities and the Digital Technologies curriculum, we also provide opportunities for our students to develop their digital literacy skills through practical and functional skills, such as touch-typing, navigating a variety of digital platforms and basic word-processing skills. Through a comprehensive scope and sequence for computer and ipad skills, our teachers plan opportunities for our students to develop their computing skills in a variety of contexts. Through a combination of explicit and cross-curricular learning opportunities, our students are encouraged to interchangeably apply their digital literacy skills to prepare them for the digital world.
To enable the effective and high-quality digital learning opportunities that we provide, we ensure our staff and students have the opportunity to access a range of reliable and up-to-date technologies. Here are some examples of the technologies we have available at our school:
In order to access our Department of Education resources, including the HP Probooks and Surface Pros, each member of staff and child has a unique account log in and password. Everyone using Department of Education resources and services needs to log in using this single sign-on to accept the terms and conditions of the Online Usage Agreement. In addition to confirming this agreement at every sign-in, all students are required to read and sign an Acceptable Usage Agreement at the start of each academic year. Students are not permitted to access any Online or Department of Education services without completing and returning this form. You can find a copy of the forms below.
At Kinross PS, we promote the teaching of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) in a cross-curricular approach. Whilst we explicitly teach science, technology and maths as independent subjects, we encourage the integration of these disciplines as often as possible. To promote the integration of STEM we have adopted the research-based ‘STEM Learning Projects’, developed by the Department of Education and a consortium of STEM practitioners including the Educational Computing Association of WA, the Mathematical Association of WA, the Science Teachers Association of WA and Scitech.
To promote the application of STEM skills across our school, we also have three Loose Parts Sheds (K-PP, Y1-3 and 4-6) and two Makerspace lunch time clubs where students are encouraged to solve problems and play creatively.
To promote the application of STEM skills across our school, we also have three Loose Parts Sheds (K-PP, Y1-3 and 4-6) and two Makerspace lunch time clubs where students are encouraged to solve problems and play creatively. Our teachers follow the Western Australian curricuclum and deliver Design Technologies to Pre-Primary to Year 6 students. Where possible, our teachers make cross-curricular links to other subjects such as HASS and the STEM subjects.
© Kinross Primary School