Dads of Kinross

Aims of Dads of Kinross


Dads of Kinross is the fathering group for Kinross PS. The Dads of Kinross Committee is a sub-committee of the Kinross PS P&C. The Committee works tirelessly throughout the year to bring our fathers or male figures together socially with their children at events including School Camp Out.


They love to see new Dads attend meetings or events, so please feel welcome to be a part of the Dads of Kinross Community. The Dads of Kinross aim to improve child development outcomes by inspiring and equipping fathers and father figures to engage positively with their kids. We know that an effective father has a profound impact on the kids, thus it is of great importance to establish Fathers and Father Figures that interact with their children as effective as possible. We seek to make better dads for the benefit of the children. 


What is the Dads of Kinross School Group?


The Dads of Kinross School Group is formed in your child’s school by fathers and father figures who want to be champions in their child’s life.  The group is aimed at being fun, building interaction and knowledge of fathers and father figures of the school to engage themselves more effectively in the lives of their kids.  They aim to not only discuss and address important topics to the father's and the children involved, but to also bring the participating members together to develop strong bonds with like-minded people. 


Dads of Kinross are currently seeking a new group leader, and additional members.



© Kinross Primary School