At Kinross PS we believe that students learn Mathematics effectively when:
Please see our full KPS Mathematics Policy for further information.
Celebrating Mathematics at KPS
At KPS, we recognise that an interest in Mathematics can play a vital role in developing student engagement and confidence towards their learning. We enthusiastically seize opportunities to promote engagement, curiosity and exploration in order to foster an enjoyment of Mathematical learning. In addition to our commitment to hands-on and interactive learning within classrooms, we also plan annual Mathematics Celebrations such as Maths Day or Maths Week, in which students participate in incursions, competitions, games and whole-school maths events.
Mathletics is the online learning platform used by students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 at KPS. Mathletics allows students to access curriculum aligned learning tasks, interactive fluency practice and online games to suit all learning abilities. Students have opportunities to earn online learning points and achievement levels, which are supported via a whole school reward system. Students are provided with login details that can be used to access the program at home, in addition to the classroom environment.
Maths Help Guide
We appreciate that the way we solve mathematical problems now may differ from the methods some parents may have learned at school. As a result, we have created a guide to help explain the mathematical methods we use and teach our students today. The booklet may be downloaded and printed to allow you to support your children at home with Maths,
Maths Help Guide
© Kinross Primary School