Parents & Citizens Association

At Kinross Primary School, we recognise the importance of parents as partners.

"Successful relationships become partnerships when there is two-way communication, and when parents and practitioners really listen to each other and value each other’s views and support in achieving the best outcomes for each child."
(Effective practice: Parents as Partners. The Early Years Foundation Stage, 2007)


Parental engagement is effective in showing children that education is important, building their confidence and fostering connections between home and school environments, all of which contribute to improving student’s educational outcomes and well-being.


We know that successful parental engagement has a distinctly positive effect on improving social and educational outcomes. Therefore, being a member of the Kinross P&C Association is a terrific way to engage with the school and support your child's education.

We love to see new parents attend meetings, help out at events or assist in the canteen or uniform shop.

Being a part of the P&C gives you the opportunity to meet up with other parents and develop friendships as one of the important roles of the P&C is to foster community within the school.


How does someone become a financial member of a P&C Association?


You can join the P&C at any time during the year by filling out a registration form and paying the sum of $1. This will give you access to all the information provided to members for the year you joined.


You must be a financial member to be able to vote at meetings but anyone is welcome to attend a meeting as an observer. The new committee is formed at the AGM. NOTE: All roles in the P&C are voluntary and therefore people are only expected to do what they can afford in time in any position they hold.


Please email the P&C at if you are interested in being a part of this wonderful team.

© Kinross Primary School