At Kinross PS students are expected to wear the full school uniform. This is endorsed by the Kinross PS Board and Kinross P&C. There is a detailed Uniform Policy below for your information. We are proud that our parents support the school uniform policy and ensure our students are in full uniform.
The Kinross Uniform Shop is staffed by school volunteers who give up their time to keep prices low. Margaret Patullo is the Uniform Shop Manager and Coordinator and is a member of the Kinross P&C she is contactable on 0422 933 551.
The Uniform Shop is open every Thursday morning from 8am-9am. In addition, parents are able to order uniforms through the P&C Uniform email –
We also stock second hand uniforms and provide to the community at a very reasonable price. We welcome all donations to help with keeping this option open to the community.
The current price list is attached for your convenience.
Click here for the Uniform Price List & Order Form
Click here for the Uniform Policy
© Kinross Primary School